Paris Blues

The now city of pity
Was once spared for her beauty.
Roads are littered and dirty,
In our very own love city.

Attracts people with art and elegance,
To love, paint, write or dance,
The unfortunate don't stand a chance,
In the capital of France.

Take the subway to reach the tower
Along the way there is filth and poor;
A place where racism and fanatics bower
It is none other than the Eiffel tower.

Climb to Monmartre and enjoy the view
Of the dancers and Strippers of Pigalle rue;
Selfie with Mona Lisa marks the cue
To check-in at Versailles, as it is long overdue.

Elite, shopping, fashion and fame,
Chime with Champs-Γ‰lysΓ©es' name.
Two centuries to build Notre-Dame?
Oh, and how? That's a blessed shame.


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